Sunday, February 6, 2011

11 pounder & 12 pounder temensis

11 pounder temensis
rod - graphite leader bosco
reel - daiwa caldia kix 2000
line -  powerpro 10 pds
shock leader - triumph 30 pds flurocarbon
lure - rapala x rap

12 pounder temensis
rod - majorcraft slicer
Reel - Shimano bio master
Line - Tufline
shocker leader - truimph  30 pds flurocarbon
lure - yozuri crystal minnow

Today Nelson, Edwin and myself went to this spot we name bukit 1 & 3. At bukit 1 we hooked up a few baby temensis and 1 arowana. Photo taken and fish was released. We continued to cast out but no bite and decided to move to another spot (bukit 3). When we reached the spot, I noticed that the water condition was not bad and there is sign of bait fish swimming around. We start casting and move further in and when we reached the end there is still no bite. Nelson decided to call it a day and move back. Before moving off I decided to change my yozuri crystal minnow to  rapala x rap and as we were half way through, Nelson spotted some bait fish  and  chasing his yozuri crystal minnow.  when I was retrieving my lure, a huge pair of temensis was chasing my lure and when it took on my lure I set it quickly and fish is on. The fish keep peeling my line out and I have hold on to it. When it slow, I immediately try to regain some line back and after about a few good minutes of tag of war, I managed to overcome this papa temensis and lifted it up with the grip and it weighed  sightly more than 11 pounds.
While I was unhooking the fish, "FISH ON" shouted by our Mr "kool man" Edwin I saw Nelson's majorcraft slicer blending like a 'C' shape and I quickly put the papa temensis into the water and gave a few push before letting it go. I went over to Meslon and saw it was the other mama temensis that took on his lure while searching for her partner. It look HUGE, after a good fight I helped him to grip the fish up and this one weighed slightly more than 12 pounds WOOWHO

shiok men. Before we could settle down, this time it was our Mr 'kool man' Edwin got a hookup,this time round it was a smaller one which is about 2 pounds and after a short battle I helped him to lifted up the fish.
While I was helping Edwin to unhook the fish, a Japanese family came by ask Nelson for permission to allow their doughtier to take a photo with his fish. Photo taken and both fishes released. We were very happy to see fish swim away strongly and this  a good one to end for today luring session.

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